
Script wizard
Photo(shop) credit: Mike Dupree


My current full time gig is at Acro Media in Kelowna. I’m a web developer. I write code and run servers. Other hamster wheels I’ve spent (a lot) of time on include Shadowfax Communications (now defunct), and wayyy before that, IMG Internet (also long gone), which was a grassroots ISP.


I learned to play bass in 2007. I dabbled for a LONG time before that, but a solid year or so of playing Guitar Hero with friends was really the bug that finally bit me. I’ve been in a few bands, and turned up the suck more times than I care to admit, but it’s a heck of a lot of fun, and I hope my kids get in to it a lot sooner than I did. Victor Wooten can tell you why playing music is such a great thing, even if you don’t think you’re any good at it.


My wife and I live in Penticton, BC with our two children, our dog Chuck Norris and a cat. Our mini van even has the cliche family cartoon stickers on it. We like going to the beach in the summer (who doesn’t), going toboganning in the winter, and watching an unhealthy amount of TV.